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Photos courtesy of : The Bards

Address : 2013 Walnut St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Event Pricing Estimator

Looking for a party venue? Find The Bards Philadelphia party space pricing estimate. Enter your party info below and find pricing information for this party venue near you!

Estimated Cost: $0
Per Hour: $0


The Bards Irish Pub is a place where the locals can gather for good times, to meet and embrace each other in good times, and lean on each other in bad times. Life long friends are made here. The Bards is place where everyone is greeted with open arms. So come and relax in a place where everyone is friends and good times to be had by all. With facilities to cater for both small & large groups, we would be delighted to discuss with you the many options available. Our physical design affords great flexibility regarding intimacy & atmosphere while our culinary expertise guarantees menu choices to suit all needs.


The Bards Yelp and Google reviews below. Click on the underlined links to find a catalog of Philadelphia area party venues with similar Yelp or Google review scores.

Yelp Rating: 3.5 - 178 Votes
Yelp reviews
Google Rating: 4.4
5 years ago
The most authentic Irish Restuarant pub offering in the city. Forget about Fado and even the Irish Pub (no Guinness at Irish pub) food is wonderful, equally matched by the service.
5 years ago
Great meeting place. I have had poor table service, but good bar service.
5 years ago
Great staff, good music with a cozy environment. Can't wait to come back! 5/5
5 years ago
Server/bartender was great. Typical bar food but it was very good.
5 years ago
A great place all around. Great service, awesome food, fish and chips are great, and great brews. Highly recommended.
Google reviews

Reservations & Directions

The Bards Philadelphia reservations & directions below. Book on OpenTable. Depart on time and find The Bards Philadelphia with Google Map directions below.

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Party Min and Max

The Bards Philadelphia party space minimum & maximum amount of people. Click party mini-mum & maximum below for a list of Philadelphia area event venues with similar capacity for party sizes.

-group-profile-users 65 people maximum


The Bards amenities below. Click on the underlined amenities to find a catalog of party spaces with that amenity.

Good For

Click on the underlined 'Good For' to find a list of event venues that are good for this type of event. The Bards is good for the following:

Contact Information

 contact website

 contact phoneNumber (215) 569-9585

Venue Type

The Bards is a bar.


The Bards parking below. Click on parking availability to find nearby parking garages and general parking guidance for The Bards’s.

Parking Nearby


The Bards hours of operation below. Please check The Bards Philadelphia website for accurate hours, especially around holidays.

  •  1 availability Monday: 11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
  •  2 availability Tuesday: 11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
  •  3 availability Wednesday: 11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
  •  4 availability Thursday: 11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
  •  5 availability Friday: 11:00 AM - 02:00 AM
  •  6 availability Saturday: 10:00 AM - 02:00 AM
  •  7 availability Sunday: 10:00 AM - 02:00 AM

Special Message about Venue Rentals

Please be aware all of our pricing for venues are simply estimates. For exact pricing information please contact the venue directly.


The Bards does not allow BYOF for private parties

 food BYOF option not available


The Bards does not allow BYOB for private parties

 wine BYOB option not available


The Bards Facebook below, click below for The Bards Philadelphia Facebook page.


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