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Photos courtesy of : Sutton's Philadelphia

Address : 1706 N 5th St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Event Pricing Estimator

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Estimated Cost: $0
Per Day: $0


Sutton’s is a nod to the past industrial might of Kensington and the hardworking people that have always lived here. The Sutton family, who came to Philadelphia from England in the late 1700’s as shipbuilders, eventually opened the successful foundry and iron works known as Franklin Iron Works. Inspired by the story of a hardworking family that became an integral part of the neighborhood, owner Niall Murphy created Sutton’s; a space that embraces the people and roots of the 5th Street corridor that once housed the workings of breweries, textile, woolen, lamp and hat factories; A space where people come together and enjoy homemade food and a good drink with their friends and neighbors.


Sutton's Philadelphia Yelp and Google reviews below. Click on the underlined links to find a catalog of Philadelphia area party venues with similar Yelp or Google review scores.

Yelp reviews

Google reviews

5 years ago
While peering in Sutton's front window four hours before opening, the owner motioned me inside. Explaining that I was just curious and was looking for a place to have a beer, he pulled up a seat at his bar and invited me to sit and stay. We talked for close to an hour, discussing the restaurant buildout, and the surrounding area. The beer was great, bar is gorgeous, and the service impeccable. Cheers Niall - I'll be back soon.
5 years ago
Beautiful cozy place! The food was great, people were friendly and most importantly the staff was very nice and welcoming. If I'd live in Phillie I'd go back again and again. Thank you guys, 5stars
5 years ago
My girlfriend and I live up the street and frequent this place often. It’s our go to spot in the neighborhood. The food is amazing and the staff is so friendly. If you like brunch their menu is so good, the croissants are made fresh and are out of this world! I can’t recommend this place enough. If you love Philly history as much as we do, please do yourself a favor and visit this spot!
5 years ago
Right around the corner from my house and I couldn't be happier with it. The ambience is quaint and simple, amazing food, good beer and whiskey selection and the staff is great! Highly recommend
5 years ago
this place is amazing! everything is made fresh, drinks are great, the staff is welcoming and friendly. i love the history behind everything, too. excellent addition to the neighborhood!
Google reviews

Reservations & Directions

Sutton's Philadelphia reservations & directions below. Book Sutton's Philadelphia on OpenTable. Depart on time and find Sutton's Philadelphia with Google Map directions below.

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Party Min and Max

Sutton's Philadelphia party space minimum & maximum amount of people. Click party mini-mum & maximum below for a list of Philadelphia area event venues with similar capacity for party sizes.

-group-profile-users 10 - 100 people maximum


Sutton's Philadelphia amenities below. Click on the underlined amenities to find a catalog of party spaces with that amenity.

Good For

Click on the underlined 'Good For' to find a list of event venues that are good for this type of event. Sutton's Philadelphia is good for the following:

Contact Information

 contact website

 contact phoneNumber (267) 534-4151

Venue Type

Sutton's Philadelphia is a restaurant.


Sutton's Philadelphia parking below. Click on parking availability to find nearby parking garages and general parking guidance for Sutton's.

Parking Nearby


sutton's delivery below. order sutton's caviar below by clicking the caviar button.

Door Dash


Sutton's Philadelphia hours of operation below. Please check Sutton's Philadelphia website for accurate hours, especially around holidays.

  •  1 availability Monday: 04:00 PM - 02:00 AM
  •  2 availability Tuesday: 04:00 PM - 02:00 AM
  •  3 availability Wednesday: 04:00 PM - 02:00 AM
  •  4 availability Thursday: 04:00 PM - 02:00 AM
  •  5 availability Friday: 04:00 PM - 02:15 PM
  •  6 availability Saturday: 10:00 AM - 02:00 AM
  •  7 availability Sunday: 10:00 AM - 02:00 AM

Special Message about Venue Rentals

Please be aware all of our pricing for venues are simply estimates. For exact pricing information please contact the venue directly.


 food BYOF option not available


Sutton's Philadelphia does not allow BYOB. Click on BYOB below to browse a list of event venues in the Philadelphia area that allow you to Bring your own Wine and Beer (BYOB)!

 wine BYOB option not available


Sutton's Philadelphia Facebook and Instagram below, click below for Sutton's Philadelphia Facebook and Instagram pages.

 facebook  instagram

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