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Photos courtesy of : Fringe Arts Philadelphia

Address : 140 N Christopher Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Event Pricing Estimator

Looking for a party venue? Find Fringe Arts Philadelphia party space pricing estimate. Enter your party info below and find pricing information for this party venue near you!

Estimated Cost: $0
Per Day: $0


FringeArts is Philadelphia’s home for contemporary performance, presenting progressive, world-class art that expands the imagination and boldly defies expectation. Our programming exposes audiences to genre-defying dance, theater, and music performances by accomplished and emerging innovators who push the boundaries of art-making and redefine the artistic landscape worldwide.


Fringe Arts Philadelphia Yelp and Google reviews below. Click on the underlined links to find a catalog of Philadelphia area party venues with similar Yelp or Google review scores.

Yelp reviews

Google reviews

5 years ago
This place was super nice, perfect view, and Alex was super nice with us, great job!!
5 years ago
Cool spot for drinks on a Thursday or Friday.
5 years ago
Nice sized venue, modern design, interesting architecture, patio is large and outide the entrance right by the highway. Large open space indoors with a good bar and medium sized performance space that you access via a hallway from the main space. Mixed crowd, but seemed skewed towards white under forty the night I visited. I think the crowd tends to vary depending on what events are taking place.
5 years ago
Very nice!!!! It has multiple use. The theater, live music in the bar area and can have partial outdoor use. Really good spot.
5 years ago
It is beautiful and the staff is lovely, but the kitchen was painfully slow and after a very lengthy (over an hour) wait they overcooked my food. The management was apologetic and took our drinks off the bill. I wonder if they just weren't prepared for a large crowd. Although it was not as good as i had hoped, i will likely go back and try the outdoor menu and seating .
Google reviews

Reservations & Directions

Fringe Arts Philadelphia reservations & directions below. Book Fringe Arts Philadelphia on OpenTable. Depart on time and find Fringe Arts Philadelphia with Google Map directions below.

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Party Min and Max

Fringe Arts Philadelphia party space minimum & maximum amount of people. Click party minimum & maximum below for a list of Philadelphia area event venues with similar capacity for party sizes.

-group-profile-users 10 - 100 people maximum


Fringe Arts Philadelphia amenities below. Click on the underlined amenities to find a catalog of party spaces with that amenity.

Good For

Click on the underlined 'Good For' to find a list of event venues that are good for this type of event. Fringe Arts Philadelphia is good for the following:

Contact Information

 contact website

 contact phoneNumber 267-613-9815

Venue Type

Fringe Arts Philadelphia is a home for contemporary performance, presenting progressive, world-class art that stretches the imagination & defies expectation.


Fringe Arts Philadelphia parking below. Click on parking availability to find nearby parking garages and general parking guidance for Fringe Arts.

Parking Nearby


Fringe Arts Philadelphia hours of operation below. Please check Fringe Arts Philadelphia website for accurate hours, especially around holidays.

  •  1 availability Monday: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  •  2 availability Tuesday: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  •  3 availability Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  •  4 availability Thursday: 10:00 AM - 10:30 PM
  •  5 availability Friday: 10:00 AM - 11:30 PM
  •  6 availability Saturday: 10:00 AM - 11:30 PM
  •  7 availability Sunday: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Special Message about Venue Rentals

Please be aware all of our pricing for venues are simply estimates. For exact pricing information please contact the venue directly.


 food BYOF option not available


Fringe Arts Philadelphia does not allow BYOB. Click on BYOB below to browse a list of event venues in the Philadelphia area that allow you to Bring your own Wine and Beer (BYOB)!

 wine BYOB option not available


Fringe Arts Philadelphia Facebook and Instagram below, click below for Fringe Arts Philadelphia Facebook and Instagram pages.

 facebook  instagram

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